
Registration & Light Breakfast


The Keys to Transit Leadership

Effective transit planning requires rigorous, evidence-based approaches where the best advice and options are provided to political leaders. In Canada, further complexity is added due to the three-tier governance model where local transit operators are dependent on funding and policy alignment from senior orders of government. Two politicians will provide their observations on the current system and how improvements can be made to better serve their ultimate customers – transit riders. 


The Big Picture on GTHA Transit

Public transit is often taken for granted but has a multitude of moving parts – literally! What does the most recent research say about where things stand with respect to GTHA governance, planning, funding, project management and rider experience? What information is missing to ensure correct and transparent decisions are made by politicians and planners alike? This keynote presentation will take a deep dive into the data and provide provocative insights that set the stage for the Summit’s discussions and recommendations. 




Learning from Local Transit History

In his 2015 book on the history of rapid transit in Toronto, Ed Levy writes that “in spite of the general openness of the planning process followed during most of the last century … numerous questionable decisions were made relating to public transit” in the Toronto region. Our speakers will discuss which lessons have been learned and whether we are getting better at delivering transit projects in a world where the pandemic disrupted commuting patterns and even the fundamental role of transit.


Managing Transit Planning, Capital and Operations Complexity

Despite the challenges inherent in transit management, a more regional approach is being taken, certainly as evidenced by Metrolinx. Transit agencies are also taking a multi-modal approach to enhancing mobility in our urban areas. Even parking standards are being reconsidered where new developments are being built near transit stations and along corridors. Our three panellists will expound on the progress that is being made in a highly complex environment.




Transit-Oriented Development, Construction, Technology and Research

The interconnection between transit-oriented development, construction and technological advancements is strong but has made a host of factors, from planning to delivery to operations, more complex. Strategic project assessments now must incorporate environmental, social and governance considerations. During this session, a range of experts will present cutting-edge research and case studies related to integrated development modelling, advanced priority strategies and construction planning.




Show Us the Money!

Transit ridership and revenue streams across Canada are still struggling to match pre-pandemic levels, while costs of infrastructure, rolling stock and operations continue to climb steeply under traditional and P3 models. What can be done to keep projects on-time and on-budget? Is there political will to raise taxes for transit and/or consider less expensive services? Does free transit make better sense than asking riders to pay increased fares that risk starting a dangerous spiral of decline? Are there untapped revenue tools available?  Is post project evaluation being conducted properly to ensure there is value for dollars spent? Our panelists will follow the money as they answer these questions and many more.


Envisioning Transit for Everyone

We can’t change transit’s past but we can change its future. What is your overarching vision for GTHA transportation in the short and long term? Which past and current policies must be re-visited, improved or deleted so we can progressively move forward in the 21st century? After our three panelists provide their top 3 take-aways from today’s event, it will be your turn to weigh in so a list of viable recommendations for action can be compiled and acted upon.


Closing Remarks

